Globalization Through Global English

By: Neal Daphne R. Dacion


People say that English is the global language. There are different kinds of Englishes but most countries around the world exclusively adopt the standards of either British or American English. Language is unique among cultures and thus depicts cultural diversity. To conform to a certain language in an uprising global community and setting aside our own undermines our blend of culture. With the advent of globalization, world Englishes should be used for intercultural communication.

Global language or World Englishes compromises languages among differences in standard. English has reached even the farthest side of the world and because language is dynamic, change is inevitable. Changes made in the English language developed a larger number of local varieties. Like in our country, we have our own type of English but most of our countrymen who come to interact with other cultures experienced being criticized for failing to meet with their communication standards.

Through Global English, we can communicate with the different cultures around the world without the interference of bias or language discrimination. The widespread use of a certain English language trend hinders the further existence of unique cultures. Giving way to global English will allow us to form the basis for constructing cultural identities. This would encourage the development of local forms and hybrid varieties. Furthermore, global English would be easier to learn and extend even evade causes of nationalism conflicts. There are several who know English but are reluctant to use it such as those who came from France, Germany and Japan. On the other hand, others refute to the global English for as they define, English provides as vehicular language for international communication and must require mutual intelligibility and common standards. But it is not about what kind of English we learn but on developing understanding in communication. It is not about you being British, American or whosoever we could become because of what we speak but it is about you and I as a whole and as the world where there is evident distinction.

There is no wrong or right language. One language should not be superior than the other for our language is our own. Let us strive towards globalization through Global English.

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